Labour law
Labour law assignments typically involve assisting the public sector or a business in disputes arising from termination of employment.
In the case of public appointments, this typically means responding to appeals concerning the decisions of local councils, executive boards and committees, and the decisions of municipal federations. Careful handling of general administration and local government assignments requires lawyers to have a mature understanding of legislation governing the public sector operating environment.
The special nature of the public sector policymaking process often requires our lawyers to serve in such capacities as consulted specialists on decision-making bodies, or to assist a local authority as counsel in judicial proceedings arising from an appeal against a decision.
We assist purchasing units in all industries in, among other things, the following matters:
Permissibility of contractual arrangements
Cooperation arrangements and purchasing cooperation
Competitive neutrality, public sector business and incorporation
Dominant market position
Corporate transaction control
Cartel investigation and competition law damages
Contact us

Marita Iskala
Attorney-at-Law, Chairman of the Board
+358 44 5566 333